About Thaihoney.com
Thaihoney.com is the official web of big bee farm.
The business of big bee farm started at 1999 by the name “ Thep-prasit honey farm ”, which was a small business selling Royal jelly and honey of Thailand.
By 2010, The business has grown into a major bee farming company of Thailand , and began its new name as big bee farm.
At present time of 2018,big bee farm’s business scope includes beekeeping farm, food manufacturing factory, Bee acupuncture clinic , tourist bee farm and tourist car rental service.
Mile stones of business
- In 1999, Thepprasit honey farm was set up by Mr. apichat wu and his friends
- In 2000, Winner of Honey contest at Asia apiculture Expo. Chiangmai.
- In 2001, Set up quality control "From Farm To Table", marketed by Thepprasit trademark.
- In 2005, accredited GMP and ISO 9001 quality system
- In 2006, accredited the Quality Goods Mark by Ministry of Agriculture.
- In 2007, established Thai organic beekeeper association and organic supplier network.
- In 2010, estabished Big bee farm pattaya, the biggest educational bee farm of Thailand
- In 2011, established Thailand's first apitherapy clinic and training centre.
- In 2012, established Thai apitherpay association, with Bigbee as official training centre.
- In 2013, Acrredited EST quality export system by ministry of Agriculture.
- In 2014, honored as the ambassador bee farm of Thailand by the ministry of agriculture
- In 2016, big bee farm has become a staff- owned joint venture, to support ist qulity policy of “ friendly bee farming, consistent development”
Focusing on bee business, The company is now operating with a network of more than 50 bee farms under Thai Organic Bee keeper Association (TOBA). It is also the sole distributor of organic honey from TOBA.